For this assignment, I visited Rainbow foods. Mainly because they carry a decent variety of brands for each product, making this ideal for the claims challenge. The recipe I had in mind was for a vegetable quiche with broccoli, onions, and tomatoes, with egg, milk and some basic seasonings. The first things I found were broccoli (0.88/lb on special) and yellow onions ($0.99/lb). Not a lot of variation there. When shopping for tomatoes, I found organic grapes for $2.99 per pint, $0.99 packages of Roma tomatoes, and some run of the mill grape tomatoes on special 2/$4 per pint. Realizing the lack of weight in my back pocket, I decided to pass on the tomatoes if they're all being shipped in anyways. Next on the list was milk. The choices I had here were Kemps Organic ($4.99/gal), Organic Valley ($4.09/half gallon), and a half gallon variety claiming they raise certified pasture grazed cattle ($3.89/half gallon). I decided to pay the extra twenty cents and get the Organic Valley because it claimed to never used antibiotics, synthetic hormones, toxic pesticides, or everyone's favorite, GMOs. With the rest of the ingredients at home, I went back to prepare my meal.
Leftover Parmesan from the weekly recipe should go well on a quiche. |
Chopped veggies and minced garlic. |
I realized I didn't actually have a pie tin on hand, so I used the next best thing, a muffing tray. They cooked through really well this way and the novelty size only made it that much more appetizing.
The picture below shows the final product. My roommates enjoyed them and they made for a pretty well rounded meal. As far as claims on food go, I tend to go for the ones that have that little USDA logo on them. I'd like to think the growth hormones used with livestock, combined with the questionable diet and sanitary conditions makes a difference when it reaches my plate.
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