Friday, May 10, 2013

Field Trip to Campus Club!

Going to the Campus Club was really great. I never knew that it even existed prior to our visit, so it was cool to get the opportunity to tour something I had just learned about earlier that week! I was shocked at what a beautiful view the Club has of both the city and of campus. I can imagine why it is so popular for all sorts of events.

In terms of food and cooking, it was really awesome to get the chance to tour the kitchen/storage space of the Campus Club. When you go to places such as that, or dine at events like that such as a wedding, you never really think about where the food is being cooked and what the commotion might look like inside (at least I never really had). I can imagine how hectic it may get at times in that kitchen when preparing for so many people- though that makes it that much cooler that they can create a system that works/functions great for all cooks involved!

It was also really great to learn all about the partnership between the Campus Club and Cornercopia- how amazing that their teamwork works so greatly for both of them, and they each get to benefit so much out of it! I think other local organic farmers could look at this as a great example and to gain inspiration. Also, the food was amazing! Both Diedra and I were talking about how excited we were to attempt to make the tomato sauce she made- as it looked so simple and tasted so great! Although, as discussed, there is a huge different between store-bought tomatoes and locally grown/organic tomatoes.

Overall, this was a really cool experience, and I am super excited to dine/drink at the bar at the Campus Club on vacations or during the summer! :)

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