Coley Aronson
Campus Club, 4th floor of Coffman Student Union, East Bank Minneapolis Campus
Tuesday April 30th, 2013
On Tuesday's lab we went to Campus Club in Coffman Student Union. Well I first showed up at Cornercopia to then realize we were actually on East bank... whoops But as soon as I got there we had time to discuss what practices and relationships go on between the Campus Club and Cornercopia. I loved hearing about how Campus Club would buy the leftover produce but UDS would not. Just hearing about all the restrictions of UDS and the troubles of cheaper food (even if it is unhealthy). I found it fascinating that Cornercopia will be producing over 60 types of tomatoes, and that the Campus Club actually tries to utilize all of the ingredients. It's just crazy to think of all the different kinds of tomatoes (or any produce really); heirloom or not. I also liked how our dinner was made from tomatoes that were frozen and bagged, but still had such a rich flavor to them.
The tour was fantastic! I love kitchens and watching how they run. Even though the design was not meant for a normal functioning kitchen, they really make the best with what they have. Everything tasted so fresh, even with the main sauce being a frozen product. Not to mention the food preparation and presentation was to die for. I was never a big polenta fan during lab, but the way she made them crispy was wonderful. I had three servings... The salad was also phenomenal I was surprised by the dressing. I smelled it and was cautious about it, but I just couldn't get enough. This experience was great, I only wish I could afford a membership so I could eat there all the time. In the future I really hope that they can offer student prices, preferably before I graduate though. I know a few people left early to hear UDS talk with a new chairman (or some other high up power in the U's food chain), and I hope that the students were heard when it comes to the food we are eating. Everyone should be able to get the best food available. Especially if it better for your body. So what if Cornercopia's tomatoes are $1.50 per pound and they want $1.20, if the students want it, they should get it (since they are paying for it in the end). I was really excited when they passed out the cookbooks. I started putting tabs and stickies in it for future recipes to try and recreate. Hopefully soon I will be trying out my own seasonal sauces and tasting new exciting fruits.
The simple sauce was fantastic!!!
A panoramic taken from our dinner table area.
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