Sunday, March 24, 2013

Roasted Chickpeas!

I had a can of chickpeas sitting around and realized that I had no celery or pita chips--looks like I wasn't going to be using it for Hummus.

The recipe for roasted chickpeas can be found on page 413 (I think) of Bittman's How to cook everything, and seemed very simple and also quite quick as far as prep went.

I also was planning on taking a picture of it once I had it in a serving dish, but then I forgot to and ate them all.

The whole thing was pretty easy. Heat up the olive in a pan in the oven. Drain the beans. Put the beans in the the pan, put stuff in the pan, shake the pan up, put the pan in the oven, go watch basketball... Come back to the oven and shake the pan, go watch more basketball...

After a little over 20 minutes of roasting I decided to take them out. They were more of a golden than brown, and were a little on the crisp side, but I was unsure if they would actually get crunchier than how they were.

I wasn't overly pleased with them, but I also wasn't disapointed. If I was making it again I think I'd use about 3 times the called for minced garlic and then also a little bit more lemon juice when serving.

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