Monday, May 13, 2013

Last Field Trip!

As an employee of Cornercopia, I have gleaned from many conversations with Courtney Tchida that the Campus Club is AWESOME.  The relationship between Cornercopia and the best on campus restaurant is one of a nurturing and symbiotic nature.  We grow a ton of awesome food, they buy about half of it, easing the stress of trying to sell 2.34 acre's worth of produce at market stands.  They also happen to have an immaculately organized kitchen that produces killer food.
This is Chef Beth.  Her direct and blunt demeanor speckled with the flavorful use of curse words and honest assessments of people really reminded me of my days in various kitchens and the kind of character required to run the damn thing.  She seemed like the kind of person you could hang out with and swap stories of kitchen disasters and ordering fiascoes, which we like.

Did I mention how immaculately organized this place was?  In my days of dish dogging, the savages I worked with would render a well organized stack like this completely unrecognizable within minutes.

busy at work and wondering who the punks are getting in the way

 The field trip to the Campus Club offered a refreshing visitation to a kitchen that deserves the respect is has earned.  Beth is obviously doing wonderful things and the insanely low turnover rate of kitchen staff is a true testament to that.  The food is frustratingly awesome and the people working there are obviously in love with their jobs.  I've never lasted longer than 3 years at a given restaurant and it sounded like many of their employees have been around for 5 or longer.  Very impressive.

It was great to see the operation to which Cornercopia sells so much food and it was great to hear from a chef genuinely excited about quality food and quality cooking.

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