Monday, February 11, 2013

Zucchini Pancakes!

This challenge recipe was definitely a challenge. When I don't have a kitchen where I live and absolutely no ingredients on hand things get tricky. Vegan and gluten-free are two things I have no experience with so beginning this recipe wasn't eat. I took a few minutes to surf the web to see what can be used as binders besides flour and egg and found a few promising substitutes. Banana can be used as egg, and that did intrigue me a little. My only issue with that was that banana might be a little too sweet for a zucchini pancake. (Not that I'd ever had one, so how would I know..) A little later I was flipping through "How to Cook Everything" to find another recipe for the blog and came across Fried Plantains. I thought "Wow, plantains are like bananas, but not as sweet! Perfect!" And so they became my egg binder.

Now for the flour. I refused to buy a bag of some sort of gluten-free flour, so I had to think of other options. Gluten-free Chex? Possibly.. And then it came to me: crushed up corn chips! They'll add saltiness and substance to the cakes and may even crisp them up a bit.

I used this website to get a little bit of an idea for how to make gluten-free and vegan cakes. This helps a little but I used my own ideas to actually make the cakes.

Corn chips
olive oil

The basic ingredients

Finished Product!

They turned out surprisingly well for my first time making zucchini pancakes! Not sure I'd make them again but I was happy with the result. If I were to for some reason make these again, I'd put more seasoning in the mix. It was pretty bland seeing as I forgot the parmesan cheese.... 

Another thing I learned from this experience is that cooking in a fraternity kitchen is not exactly ideal (sorry Reece). 

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