Monday, March 25, 2013

Challenge Recipe- Metro Petro


I found this to be rather easy compared to other challenge recipes we have had. I decided to go to Metro Petro which is a gas station about 4-5 blocks from where I live. My goal was to get healthy food for two people, that would also be filling and cost less than ten dollars. The hardest part for me was to find foods that went together to make it feel like a complete meal. 

What I bought:
2 bagels = $. 99 each
a pack a sliced american cheese  = $ 1.69
2 V8 fusion juices =$ 1.99
a pack of eggs  = $ 1.75

Total= 9.40

From this I made a fried egg sandwich with cheese on a wheat bagel. The juice also had a full serving of both fruits and vegetables, that being said it was also the most expensive portion of my meal. I found this challenge interesting and was very happy with the lunch I made! 

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